Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day Light Saving Time has arrived in Canada!  (except Saskatchewan)

Hip, Hip Hurray for longer light-filled days!

I thrive on daylight, and other than the loss of an hour, I have no complaints. 

Daylight savings does not occur on the same day throughout the world.  Most of Europe won't turn their clocks forward until March 27 and others countries such as Mexico, Australia and New Zealand will hold off until April 3rd.

The idea of Daylight savings actually goes back to 1784 when Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay  "An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light".   Many countries had brief stints of DST from the early 1900's but they were often abandoned shortly thereafter.  The DST concept was re-introduced during the 1970's - 1980's.

Once Day Light Saving starts in Russia this year, it will stay in effect.  They'll be on a permanent DST.  Russia also reduced their number of time zones from 11 to 9 in March of 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Even though we 'lost' an hour this weekend I am happy about the extra daylight!
